Another year has gone by and it feels so….different? We’ve been in a pandemic for almost a year now, the U.S. government hates poor people, and I still have no idea what I’m doing with my life. Same ole same ole.
What to expect in 2021?
I really am expecting nothing in 2021. 2020 has taught me that with expectations, comes disappointments. And that nothing ever really goes as planned. Therefore, I have no New Year’s resolutions, because I’m already making the conscious effort, to improve myself little by little, everyday.
I won’t make a super long sappy post about how this year has been for me. But I had some great highs and really sucky lows.

Thank you, to all my blog mutuals who have interacted with me, either through the blog, or social media! I don’t admit it much, but sometimes, I feel as if there are certain spaces that I’m not necessarily supposed to be in, or welcome in. I keep to myself most of the time. I’m kind of used to not being welcome in certain spaces, so I make room for myself, and stay in my little bubble.
I know sometimes, I can give the appearance of being non approachable, even through the internet. I can be big enough to admit, that I make up these scenarios in my head, that keep me from interacting with most people online as well. One thing I’ve been working on, is not judging others through the internet. Because I don’t know you guys, and you don’t know me very well either. And that’s okay, because….it’s literally the internet haha. But I really do enjoy the small interactions I have online with some of my blog mutuals 🙂
I hope you guys have a happy New Years and that you continue to stay safe! Here’s to hoping 2021 won’t suck!